Tuesday 20 April 2010

Our Itinerary.

Many months and sleepless nights were spent creating an accurate route that we would be able to follow with ease.


  1. Are you impressed that I am blogging? (You wouldn't be very impressed if you knew that this was my fourth attempt at posting a comment!)

  2. So, you are obviously deeply committed to keeping this blog up to date.

  3. Where are you? What are you up to? How is the weather? ..........Have you been Salsa dancing yet? Or is it Samba in Argentina?

  4. Hola, Photos look fantastic. Looks like you are both having a great time. Look forward to hearing/seeing your next update and photos. Love Dad. (That's the nearest thing you are going to get to your Dad saying he is missing you...and, yes, he did write it himeself.
