Saturday 7 May 2011

Maroochydore, East Coast Australia.

Not drastically different from Noosa, Maroochydore is a more industrial feeling town that sits slightly lower down on the east coast of Australia. Surf is yet again one of the locals main focuses and this is probably to do with the fact Maroochy boasts some of the best beaches on the coast. Like many other beaches on the east coast we have found the water temp warm, the sand white and clean and the presence of surf life savers high. Not to mention the sight of those lone paddle boarders who seem to appear suddenly in the line up as soon as your tempted to go for a paddle, a nationwide problem.

SUP's aside, Maroochy is yet another pleasant place to widdle away some time. We were pretty broke while we stayed there and constricted to a $20 a day budget so most activities we pursued were of the free kind. Going for walks, lazing on the beach, swimming in the sea and eyeing up the surf for a wee paddle were generally all we did during our week here. I should mention that the weather and humidity levels were extremely high during our stay so lethargy was a big problem. Our hostel, although nice, lacked any sort of air conditioning so our nights were sleepless and our days sleepy. When the weather is suffocating like that the best thing to do is to spend all day in the sea which really never gets boring, even if you are just sitting collecting sand and seashells in your bikini bottoms. Or you could do what we did and try and perfect the art of body surfing. Be warned you will scrape your body to bits and flash your norks to the entire beach as you surface realising your bikini top has been blasted off you, but it's good way to cool down and whittle away a good few hours. It really does never get boring, honestly.

I'm sure something else exciting must have happened while we were there but to be honest I have been a bit lazy on the blog front of late so my memory is a bit like candy floss. In a nutshell Maroochy is good and we'd go back if we were ever in the area again. How's that for a travel review?

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